First post guys :) Im excited! Bear with me guys, Im new to this. Its not as perfect as I'd like, but its good for right now.
I've been seeing this guy everywhere. You may have heard of him, Justin Bieber. Hes a 16 year old pop singer, discovered by Usher, and records on Teen Island Records. His fan base consists of mostly teenage girls. As much as I hate to conform, its hard not to like the kid. I always find myself humming and singing his songs. I was wacthing tv the other day and I came across the QVC channel and there he was, preforming songs off of his new album My World 2.0. They were selling his first album, My World, and My World 2.0. Almost every person in the audience was a teenage girl, he's always trending on twitter, its Bieber Madness...
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